Lucerne is also known as the queen among roughage. And with good reason: alfalfa is naturally rich in high-quality protein, fibre, vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Combined with its naturally low sugar and starch content, alfalfa is a very suitable addition to many horses’ rations. Especially for horses that need high and consistent quality roughage. The Hartog Lucerne Mix contains both the stalks and leaf material of alfalfa to provide all its benefits. The stalks of Lucerne provide structure and high fibre content. The leaf material of Lucerne is rich in nutrients such as naturally occurring proteins, vitamin, minerals and trace elements. The high-quality proteins in Hartog Lucerne Mix are a valuable addition for muscle building and muscle maintenance/ Hartog Lucerne Mix can be used to provide horses with extra nutrients, which has many advantages compared to, for example, increasing the amount of concentrate feed. Horses’ digestive systems are completely geared to digesting roughage. Hartog Lucerne Mix can be mixed with concentrates/balancers to extend eating time and stimulate saliva production. This is fine for horses prone to stomach ulcers, for example. In addition, the fibres in Hartog Lucerne Mix can help support intestinal health. The energy from Hartog Lucerne mix comes from fibre and is therefore released slowly. As a result, horses do not get hot from Hartog Lucerne mix.

Suitable for:
Nervous horses
Optimizing the fiber ration
Sensitive gastric system
Underweight horses
We recommend 250 to 600 grams of Hartog Lucerne Mix per 100 kg body weight per day.
Lucerne, green harvested barley Straw, Glycerine, Molasses