Beta-E Muscle


Beta-E Muscle is a horse complementary feed conceived to maintain horses’ physiological muscle conditions. It is a complementary feed enriching horses’ diets with vitamin E, vitamin C, organic selenium, turmeric and betaine.

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Beta-E Muscle

– Beta-E Muscle can be a valuable ally to maintain sport horses’ muscle health. Indeed, sport horses constantly need perfectly healthy, flexible, elastic and agile muscles.
– It is recommended to use Beta-E Muscle during training for demanding competition periods and on competition days.

Instructions for use:

Properly mix 40-80 g of Beta-E Muscle per day with the daily ration.

Recommended length of time: Use Beta-E Muscle from up to 8 weeks before sport effort to up to 4 weeks after sport effort. Using Beta-E Muscle on competition days is recommended.

Measuring scoop:
– level full: 24 g

– rounded full: 26 g”

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